Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka award of Scholarships

The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka award Scholarships to children of the Armed Forces personnel who have lost their lives in the liberation war.

The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka handed over a cheque for the sum of Rupees. 2.5 Million to President Mahinda Rajapaksha at Temple Trees today to award 250 scholarships’ for Rs. 10,000/- each to children’s of the armed services and the Police who have sacrificed their lives in the liberation of the North East of the country.

President Mahinda Rajapaksha in accepting the donation thanked the MCSL for its recognition of the selfless sacrifices of the service personnel and the needs of their families who have sacrificed their lives. He called upon the Muslim community to support him in his endeavors’ to establish peace in the island where all communities will be able to live as equals whilst enjoying peace and prosperity.

The President of the MCSL Mr. N. M. Ameen speaking on the occasion said ‘The Armed Forces and the Police have toiled to end the separatist war in Sri Lanka for the past twenty six years. The last three years saw an unprecedented political commitment and leadership being provided under the guidance of President Mahinda Rajapakse to end the conflict and bring peace to our nation.’

‘The service Commanders and the Police Chief under the strategic leadership of Lt. Col Gotabhaya Rajapakse, Secretary to the Ministry of Defense have pursued the war with professionalism, dedication and bravery. Their efforts have resulted in enormous successes unparalleled in similar wars across the world. The Muslims of Sri Lanka take this opportunity to salute their able leadership.’

The lengthy war drained Sri Lanka of her resources, taking life and limb, harming the economy and seriously affecting the trust and goodwill between all communities in Sri Lanka .

It is in recognition of the selfless efforts of the service personnel to protect the Nation resulting in the sacrificing of their lives that the . Muslim Council of Sri Lanka (MCSL) being a networking organization of Muslim civil society organization and the Sri Lankan Muslim Diaspora. initiated this scholarships to supports their children’s educational needs. Helping to educate these children would undoubtedly advance these families to a better social standing in the future, while enriching the society of Sri Lanka .

The MCSL was represented by a delegation which included the donors of the scholarships and the MCSL Treasurer Mr. Farhi Fauz, Secretary General Mr. M. D. M. Rizvi, and Steering Committee members Hilmy Ahamed, M. Abdul Najeem, Rasheed M Imtiyaz, Askar Khan, Hilmi Sulaiman Mov. M. S. M. Thassim representing the Jayamauthul Ulama and Mr. M. Deen of the YMMA M Z M Najman of Jamath E Islami and Ambassador S A C M Zuhyle.

Ministers A. H. M. Fowzie, Rishard Badurdeen and Deputy Minister M. Biasz were also present at the function


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